SLDC - South Lakeland District Council
SLDC stands for South Lakeland District Council
Here you will find, what does SLDC stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate South Lakeland District Council? South Lakeland District Council can be abbreviated as SLDC What does SLDC stand for? SLDC stands for South Lakeland District Council. What does South Lakeland District Council mean?South Lakeland District Council is an expansion of SLDC
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Alternative definitions of SLDC
- Speech and Language Development Center
- Spring Lake Day Camp
- Sand Lake Dermatology Center
- State Load Dispatch Centre
- State Load Despatch Centre
- Speech and
View 15 other definitions of SLDC on the main acronym page
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- SSH Select Specialty Hospitals
- SRFCI Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club Inc.
- SPH Sauk Prairie Healthcare
- SLC Silver Lake College
- SSP Selig Sealing Products
- SFG The South Financial Group
- SPS Southbridge Public Schools
- SST School of Science and Technology
- SGCL The Shield Guarding Company Ltd
- SC The Schneider Corporation
- SSI Star Service Inc.
- SVP Social Venture Partners
- SES Shepherd Electric Supply
- SCVI Superior Court of the Virgin Islands
- SFXS St. Francis Xavier School
- SETPL Sienna Ecad Technologies Private Limited